Healthcare experience refers to the overall quality of care and service patients receive when seeking medical treatment. It encompasses all aspects of a patient’s interaction with the healthcare system, from the initial appointment scheduling to treatment and follow-up care. Medical claims processing has a significant impact on improving the healthcare experience for patients.  

Before that, let’s understand what insurance claims processing is. It is the administrative task of submitting and managing healthcare claims for reimbursement from insurance providers. When a patient receives medical services, their healthcare provider (such as a doctor or hospital) submits a claim to the patient’s insurance company for payment. The claim includes information about the patient, the services provided, and the cost. Medical claims processing involves verifying the accuracy and completeness of the claim, reviewing it for compliance with insurance policies and government regulations, and determining the appropriate payment amount. This process can be complex and time-consuming. Whenever there is a delay in the process, it has a direct bearing on the patient experience. 

Did You Know?  

According to a study by Press Ganey, a company that provides patient satisfaction surveys, hospitals in the top quartile for patient experience scores had a net margin of 4.7%, compared to 1.8% for hospitals in the bottom quartile.    

Robust Insurance Claims Processing Can Lead to a Great Healthcare Experience  

Robust insurance claims processing can contribute to a remarkable patient healthcare experience. Here are a few ways this is possible:   

Seamless payment processing: Patients can have a great experience when claims are processed quickly and accurately, and payment is made without delays. This means they don’t have to worry about the financial burden of their healthcare expenses and can focus on their recovery.   

Reduced out-of-pocket expenses: When insurance claims are processed correctly, patients may have to pay less for their medical services, such as co-pays or deductibles. This can make healthcare more affordable and accessible for patients, improving the overall experience.   

Faster reimbursement for providers: Robust insurance claims processing can also benefit healthcare providers by ensuring that they receive payment for their services promptly. This can help them maintain financial stability and invest in their practices to provide better patient care.   

Transparency in billing: A remarkable healthcare experience can also be achieved when patients receive clear and transparent billing information. Evident claims processing can help ensure patients are provided with accurate and detailed information about their healthcare costs, helping them make informed decisions about their care.   

Efficient resolution of disputes: In cases where a claim is denied or a dispute over payment, a solid insurance claims processing system can ensure that the issue is resolved efficiently and fairly without causing undue stress or inconvenience for patients or providers. This can help maintain trust in the healthcare system and contribute to a positive patient experience.   

Did You Know?  

A study by McKinsey & Company found that hospitals with the highest patient experience ratings achieved net margins that were 50% higher than hospitals with lower ratings.    

The Two Stages of Insurance Claims Processing  

Insurance claims processing consists of two essential stages. One is pre-claims processing, and the other is post-claims processing. Both these stages play a significant role in improving patient experience.  

Pre-claims experience in healthcare refers to patients’ interactions with their healthcare providers before submitting a claim for services. This can include everything from scheduling appointments to discussing insurance coverage and financial responsibilities.    

Post-claim experience in healthcare refers to patients’ knowledge after receiving medical treatment and making a claim for reimbursement from their insurance company. This includes all patients’ interactions with their healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other related parties after the completed medical treatment.    

Did You Know  

A study by Healthcare Financial Management Association found that hospitals that focused on improving patient experience had a 50% higher likelihood of being in the top 25% for patient satisfaction scores, which can lead to increased profitability.    

Why Is Pre-Claims Patient Experience Important    

The pre-claims experience of patients is essential because it can significantly impact their overall healthcare experience and health outcomes. Here are a few reasons why the pre-claims experience is so critical:    

It improves patient trust and satisfaction: Patients with a negative pre-claims experience may be less likely to trust their healthcare providers or feel satisfied with their care. This can impact their willingness to seek care in the future, which can have negative consequences for their health.    

Ensures patient compliance: Patients who need to fully understand their insurance coverage or the costs associated with their care may be less likely to comply with their treatment plan, impacting their health outcomes.    

Reduces financial stress: Patients hit with unexpected medical bills or struggling to pay for their healthcare may experience significant financial stress, which can exacerbate their health problems and lead to other adverse outcomes.    

Impacts healthcare providers: A negative pre-claim experience can also impact healthcare providers. It leads to increased administrative work, slowing down processes and decreasing patient satisfaction.    

Pre-claim experience is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire healthcare experience and can impact patient satisfaction, trust, and compliance. By prioritizing a positive pre-claims experience, healthcare providers can help to improve patient outcomes and create a more positive healthcare environment for everyone involved.    

Critical Stages of Pre-Claims Experience  

  •  Scheduling appointment  
  •  Verifying insurance coverage.     
  •  Receiving care  
  •  Submitting claims  

How to Improve Pre-Claims Experience  

Improving the pre-claims experience of patients involves creating a positive and supportive environment for patients, ensuring that they have access to the information and resources they need to understand their healthcare benefits and make informed decisions about their care.  

Healthcare providers can take essential steps in the pre-claims stage to improve the patient experience. These steps include:  

Provide clear and transparent information about insurance coverage: Healthcare providers should ensure that patients are fully informed about their insurance coverage, including deductibles, co-payments, and other out-of-pocket expenses. This information should be provided in a clear, easy-to-understand format, such as a brochure or website. It should be made available to patients before any scheduled appointments or procedures.    

Streamline the billing process: Healthcare providers should make the billing process as simple and efficient as possible, minimizing the number of steps and paperwork required. This could include offering online payment options, providing accurate and detailed invoices, and assisting patients with questions or concerns about their bills.      

Offer financial assistance programs: Healthcare providers should provide information about financial assistance programs to help patients struggling to pay for their healthcare. This could include charity care, payment plans, or other programs to make healthcare more affordable and accessible.    

 Create a welcoming and supportive environment: Patients who feel comfortable and supported are likelier to have a positive pre-claims experience. Therefore, healthcare providers should create a welcoming environment free from judgment and stigma and offer support and resources to patients experiencing anxiety or other emotional challenges related to their healthcare.    

Did You Know  

A report by the Beryl Institute, a global community of healthcare professionals, found that hospitals prioritizing patient experience have a lower rate of readmissions and better patient outcomes, which can result in cost savings for the organization.    

Why Is Post-Claims Patient Experience Important    

The post-claim experience can significantly impact patient satisfaction. For example, suppose patients have a positive experience, such as receiving clear and helpful information from their insurance company or healthcare provider about their coverage. In that case, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their healthcare experience. On the other hand, if patients have a negative experience, such as encountering long wait times or unhelpful customer service representatives, they are more likely to feel dissatisfied with their healthcare experience.    

In addition to impacting patient satisfaction, the post-claim experience can also affect patient health outcomes. For example, if patients have difficulty obtaining the medications or follow-up care they need after their medical treatment, their health could be negatively impacted.    

Therefore, it is essential for healthcare providers and insurance companies to focus on improving the post-claim experience to ensure patients have a positive experience and receive the care they need to achieve optimal health outcomes.  

Critical Stages of Post-Claims Experience   

  • ·   Timely claim intimation/notification to patients  
  • ·   One-time collection of documents required for the claim processing.  
  • ·   Update on submission of claims.  
  • ·   Intimation of settlement of the claim. 

Did You Know:  

A survey by Deloitte found that hospitals with higher patient satisfaction scores had a higher probability of being recommended by patients, which can lead to increased patient volume and revenue.    

How To Improve Post-Claims Experience Among Patients    

Improving the post-claims experience for patients can be achieved through various strategies. Here are a few ways to enhance the post-claims experience among patients:    

Simplify the claims process: Streamlining the insurance claims process and reducing the paperwork required can reduce patient frustration and anxiety. This can be achieved through electronic health records (EHRs) and online portals that allow patients to track their claims and communicate with their healthcare providers and insurers.    

Provide clear and concise communication: Patients need to be informed about the claims process and any requirements for their coverage. Communication should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Providing patients a dedicated support team to answer their questions can improve their experience and satisfaction.    

Offer prompt payment and resolution of claims: Delays in payment or insurance claims processing can frustrate patients. Therefore, processing claims quickly and providing patients with timely payment or reimbursement is essential.    

Personalize the experience: Tailoring the insurance post-claims experience to meet each patient’s needs can increase satisfaction. This can include providing follow-up calls or personalized support to patients who have experienced a particularly difficult or complex claim.    

Ensure quality care: Ensuring patients receive high-quality care is also crucial for a positive post-claims experience. This includes providing patients access to specialists, follow-up care, and medication management.    

Improving the post-claims experience for patients requires a comprehensive approach that involves collaboration between healthcare providers, insurers, and patients. By simplifying the claims process, providing clear communication, offering prompt payment and resolution of claims, personalizing the experience, and ensuring quality care, healthcare providers and insurers can help improve patient satisfaction and outcomes.    


OutsourceRCM has over ten years of experience improving patients’ healthcare experience by availing treatment from medical practices based in the US. We focus on highly streamlined and efficient insurance claims processing. Our claims processing services have let clients say goodbye to long wait times and confusing paperwork. We have leveraged advanced technologies to automate the claims process, reduce errors and ensure faster reimbursement. All this has freed practices from much of their back-office work and given them ample time to focus on patient care, leading to a more personalized and satisfying experience. Get in touch with us now to learn about our services.